
17-11-2021: I am working on the game right now. I'm fixing an old cutscene with a clown in it. I'm having
trouble making the clown scary, as it's supposed to be an enemy. But I'm just not scared of clowns. I actually kind
of like them. Other than that, I'm also working on new cutscenes that are in the later part of the game. But I
can't playtest them yet, because I did something dumb and lost all of my test saves for the game...

19-11-2021: I added warnings at the beginning of the game, about that there is some- (read, like, two instances
of-) nudity in the game. They are very pixelated (one pixel per nipple, to be blunt about it) but I know that
certain platforms can be very strict about such things. While the concept of a streamer getting banned for
playing my game might be funny in a way I'd still rather not cost someone their account...

01-12-2021: Working mainly on graphics today. Wondering which song I'll put in the trailer... I want to ask an
artist to use their song but I'm simultaneously terrified that they'll say no. Oh god

06-12-2021: Worked on the game for like...5 hours straight just now...It's getting closer and closer to completion,
which is a weird thought to have... my own game? Fully made? That just doesn't sound realistic.. oh! also added
a screenshot to the main page. Just one for now, but I'll make more and add them later. I need to relax
for a bit!!!

29-12-2021: Almost done. I just decided to edit the one sprite with nipples... it now no longer has nipples. I'm
sorry, guys. Let it be known there were nipples in this game once, and they fought valiantly, and lost, because
I started imagining someone playing my game on a youtube let's play and got so happy that I wanted to make it a
little easier on the imaginary let's-player that I just made up.

06-01-2022: It's done! Well, the first version is done. I've sent it to my beta tester, and my mom is also beta
testing it, just because she's curious. If both of them give me the okay, I'll officially release it on
this is absurdly exciting. My game! It's done????

22-01-2022: The first version of my game is now officially available for download. Thank you so much to everyone
who has shown interest so far! I hope everyone enjoys it.

23-11-2023: my first review on youtube and it's so incredibly negative. saying I feel crushed would be an under-
statement. but, one must keep on trucking. Logically I know more people liked the game than disliked it but..
come on, man. no need to be so brutal.

13-02-2024: Mushroom Hell was, in the first place, a way for me to deal with knowing that my grandma was slowly
dying of cancer. That was the crux of it, ultimately. It's a story about grief, and a story about me. My fear
of how I would feel after she would be gone. Of course, at the time I was making it, she wasn't dead yet. And..
she is now. I'll write a full retrospective at some point, but... I think I underestimated it-- the graphic-
ness of dying, I guess. She sat there for days, not knowing who we were or who she was, slowly rocking back
and forth and moaning in pain. She would yell and throw things and rip things up. She randomly called people
telling them to come over, and when they did she would yell at them to go away. Nobody (medical-wise, we did
what we could but there wasn't much we could do) cared about her and she died, in pain, not knowing who or what
she was. Terrified and alone and angry. And none of that is in the game. Even though that feeling was more
terrifying and pressing than the feeling now. Once someone is dead they're dead, and you can move on. Maybe I
should start on a sequel. Now that I know.

12-07-2024: an idea has been floating through my head. I'd really like to do a 'rewrite' or 'second attempt'
at Mushroom Hell, with some new aspects like point and click and whatnot. The biggest barrier I have is choosing
which program to use. I LOVE using rpg maker 2003. It's my favourite rpg maker program I've ever worked
with. But it does have limitations. So now I have to decide whether I create the remake in rpg maker 2003 or if
I buy rpg maker vx ace on steam sale and use that. Either way, the general idea is that it's a slightly different
retelling, now that I know what death is like, properly. It would probably be a bit more gore-y (yet tasteful)
and feature more information about Desdemona's youth, and more about the personalities of Mae and Griffin and
more of an exploration of their relationship. i'd also like to make the explorable world of Mushroom Hell even
