
☆dreams from 2016-2021☆

☆dreams from 2021-2024☆


I was visiting my grandma in some kind of care home. She was clearly suffering from some sort of dementia, but because of her staying in this home, she was clean and had eaten, unlike the way it happened in real life. She showed me several things she had been keeping busy with-- apparently the people who worked there let her order things off the internet without too much thought. She had ordered a huge box of makeup (which my grandma, in real life, would never have worn) and showed me all the different lip sticks and eye shadows, putting on a glittery purple eye shadow in front of me, not using a mirror or anything. It didn't look good. I asked where the makeup would go after her death, and she said she wanted to be buried with it. I asked, carefully, since when she wanted to be buried, since before she'd always told me she wanted to be cremated. She got kind of angry and accused me of wanting to steal the makeup. I managed to calm her down and she resumed showing me things.

She had sparkly earrings she put in, another uncharacteristic thing. They were these big green flowers. Some guy who volunteered in the care home had mounted a Lego dollhouse to the wall for some of the people there to look at or play with. I remarked that we had some of my childhood legos there still, and we should probably go over who would take those home, me and my mother or my aunt. My grandma, on a fundamental level, did not seem to understand this question, and just looked at the legos we had, moving her fingertips over the builds as if she was trying to read them. I woke up feeling a sort of cosmic horror that's hard to explain.


I was in high school, and I had a boyfriend, a boy with freckles all over his body and a feminine face that didn't match the rest of his body. Despite us being the same age, I was essentially grooming him; the only reason he had become my boyfriend in the first place was because I told him that we would get bad grades in school unless we kissed a bunch. He, terrified of getting bad grades, believed me. We studied together for every class, and were very excited to get the results for our final exams, which were in four envelopes that we would open at McDonalds, to make it into a little ceremony within our limited funds.

On the day we got our results back, we were walking towards the McDonalds, when I came across my ex. My ex was, straight up, Elliot Page (the actor). He somehow knew what I had done to get my boyfriend to date me, and explained to him that everything I told him had been a lie. I was mortified, but did nothing to stop him. My boyfriend was incredibly angry at me but still wanted to see his exam results, so he still came with me to McDonalds. There, whenever I showed him a result from an envelope, he would use a large stick to poke a hole in the paper.


We were on a cruise ship. My aunt (mom's sister) kept calling me to vent about how my mom's husband was refusing to help her do a simple thing she asked from him (I don't remember what it was, but it was something like replacing a light in her house. Wouldn't take more than five minutes.) I told her that I would try and casually bring it up next time I saw him, like 'oh weren't you supposed to help out [aunt] today?'. She thanked me and hung up the phone. Later, my mom came into our room and I told her about her sister's phone calls and she got very angry at me for enabling my aunt and not letting her fix her own problems. She kept ranting about how lazy my aunt was and whatnot. Eventually she calmed down a bit, and I left to go outside. Outside, the sky was very clear, and you could see all the stars.


There was a stretch of road in the middle of nowhere that pretty much only long-haul buses rode through. There was talk of this stretch of road being 'haunted', and indeed you needed to follow a specific set of rules in order to get away from there, or else you would be stuck there. It was honestly kind of reminiscent of those 'rule' creepypastas, where the story is just the ruleset of some cursed game.

One of the rules was that you shouldn't let the sun hit your bare skin for too long. At one point on your travel through the region, the bus would stop and you would have to get out and wait for another bus (or else you'd end up in the wrong city.) While waiting at the bus stop, you were supposed to wait in the little bus shelter, no matter how busy it was. People would make themselves take as little space up as possible, so more people could fit under it. Others would attempt to cover their skin with thick fabrics, blankets et cetera, to make sure that the sun didn't touch them. Occasionally a fake bus would also drive by, with passengers that were human-adjacent but looked 'off'. You had to be careful not to get on one of those buses.

The story shifted to a scene where a young boy was walking home from playing outside. He lived in this cursed stretch of land, though rules were slightly different for the inhabitants. He was small (maybe six? eight at most) and walked next to this huge field of wheat, occasionally picking a wheat stalk and breaking it. My grandma was walking next to him. She was reminding him of the rules, how he shouldn't let the sun touch him and whatnot, and he responded by showing off that he was wearing long sleeves and a hat. She told him to be careful, and he promised to do so.


I was on an expedition somewhere in the pole circle, and we were on an uninhabited island. We were in a group of about twenty people, and since the island was quite small, we were allowed to wander around it freely (as anyone who got lost would be able to find their way back quite easily). There was a bit of a valley with a pond in it, surrounded on three sides by cliffs and the ocean on the other. I was with a small subgroup of about four people, and we found an ancient human being almost perfectly preserved in the frozen pond (the year that was thrown around was 70,000 years ago, though I have no clue if that was accurate. The human being wore clothing made of light-brown animal furs and had long black hair. I think it was a man, though I had no way of knowing this for certain).

A girl in the group I was in dared me to eat a piece of his flesh, specifically his gums. I didn't really agree to it, but she didn't give me a chance to decline. She started using her wooden walking stick to jam the man's mouth open and scrape off a bit of his gums, though she broke several of his teeth in the process. Eventually, there were a few small piles on the snow-covered floor, of gum flesh and crushed teeth combined. I complained that there were so many bits of tooth in there (I didn't want to risk breaking my teeth on them) and she in response started jamming her walking stick back into the corpse's mouth. I woke up before I ate anything.


I was in a shopping centre or mall, something along those lines. I was there with a group of people my age, as well as a woman who was around fourty years old. She had long, straight blonde hair and looked generally well-put together. The people in the group I was in were pressuring me to give the woman a blowjob so I could 'find out what it was like' and 'practice for later'. I didn't want to, but everyone was telling me to do it, and the woman seemed to want it as well, so eventually I gave in and begrudingly went along with her.

We went to a huge church that was hundreds of years old. At the time, it had been carved out of the side of a cliff. The inside had lamps installed for sightseers to look at the remarkable stone carvings. We went into the basement, which somehow had entirely modern and fully furnished bathrooms. In one of the stalls, the woman took her pants down and sat down on the toilet. Her dick was half-hard, and from where she was sitting it was pretty much level with the floor, except the tip drooped towards the toilet water a bit. I didn't want to suck her dick but she didn't seem to notice that I was hesitant at all, and gestured for me to start. I woke up before I did anything, though I do remember feeling that I had no choice.


I was visiting my friend in Amsterdam, and staying over at his house for three days. For years, we'd been online friends, but I never knew where he lived, until he accidentally revealed his location to me. This happened because I had shown off my groceries after going to the store, and he responded by doing the exact same groceries and sending a picture of them. Only it was clear that some of the things he bought were from the home brand of Albert Heijn, a Dutch supermarket, so I deduced where he lived down to the street somehow (even though that chain is immensely popular and has over 1000 locations I believe). Regardless, now that the truth was out we decided we might as well meet in real life.

Despite the fact that I was supposed to sleep over at his house, I instead travelled all the way back to my grandma's house every night to sleep in there. My grandma is dead, of course, but luckily there was a certain exact way of walking into her street (from a specific angle, stepping on specific street tiles) that would allow you to go into a copy of a day in her house in 2019. This day looped over and over like this, with the inhabitants forgetting everything that happened in the previous loop. I would go in there, ring my grandma's doorbell and sleep in the bed I had at her house. It was always evening, there. There was something very beautiful and melancholic about it all-- I hadn't let go yet, hadn't accepted her death. And it wasn't really 'her' in the sense that she would only remember anything I told her for one day, even if I explained the loop to her, she would just forget again. I was too afraid to even attempt that, anyways, afraid that her learning about the loop would make it end, somehow.

My mom also knew about the loop, and I saw her there, trying to get into their old house (my grandma used to live in another house in the same street). She rang the doorbell and we found out that there was a cafe behind the door there, with no signage or anything that would let you know there was a cafe. It was very dark inside, yet there were at least seven or so people already sitting there and drinking coffee. We sat down to have a drink.


in my dream, I was watching a documentary that touched on a minor evolutionary quirk humans had. If you looked at people you loved, your lips would spasm really subtly to indicate that you wanted to kiss their face. This was regardless of if the relationship was romantic or platonic. I pursed my lips and found that indeed, if I looked at my husband (who I apparently had) my lips would spasm. The dream never showed me what my husband looked like, so I have no idea who he was or if I know him.


A friend and I were visiting the house of a woman whose daughter was a famous child actress (she was about eight years old). We were mainly there for the mother but in passing, we congratulated the girl on her recent movie roles. She had been in two movies that year that had both been blockbusters. She asked for a hug and I, awkwardly, hugged her. She whispered in my ear that she didn't like being an actress. I didn't know how to help her. Her mom hadn't noticed anything was amiss.


I was on Google, looking for one of those AI girlfriend bots. Instead I found a really long visual novel on itch.io. It had been translated from Japanese into English, and was about a group of characters in an Anime art style living through a reimagining/retelling of the Night at the Museum movies. This was only the first storyline, though, and a lot of other stories happened too, all to the same group of characters. One of the stories was about a boy (They were all seniors in high school, all around 17-18 years old) having to go mine in a quarry to make enough money to go back to school. He mined too deep and got possessed by an ancient spirit. The spirit, pretending to be him, lured his girlfriend to the quarry. When she got there, he kicked her down a flight of stairs and she died.

I was playing the free trial of the game, and I knew that the full version was notorious for having over 100 sex scenes, which was strange to me because the original story didn't even have any romance, nor any places in the story where I could imagine a sex scene to be. Outside of the dream, my bed had been replaced with a 'three person bed'. Because of this, I didn't have any floor space in my room anymore. This was very inconvenient for me.


I was on Reddit, reading the front page. There, I saw Willem Dafoe had passed away.


My grandma was still alive, and she had dementia. My mother, my two aunts and I were at her house to try and explain to her that my mom's friend Linda had passed away. It was difficult to explain it to her since she didn't really seem to grasp most things we said. We were going to Linda's funeral later. My mom and aunts were in the other room for a moment, and I gently tried to explain to my grandma that we were about to leave. She suddenly got a bit angry, saying she knew Linda was dead and the funeral was today, because she had apparently been at Linda's house at the moment of her passing (this wasn't actually true, but she really believed it). I had to soothe her anger by agreeing with her, saying 'of course you know, of course you were there' and so on.


There was a local building that was used as a school outing location for various schools. Students would go there with several classes and stay there for a few weeks, sleeping in big rooms together. On the fourth floor of the building there was a kind of reservoir that held something called 'floating powder'. Theoretically, the powder was able to make things (and people) fly, but I had no idea how it worked. I had been at the building for a few days (I was a high school student) and had been put in a room with a bunch of high school bullies who were being deceptively nice to me. As in, I knew they were planning something and trying to lull me into a false sense of security. There were two large beds in the room and for some reason all of the other kids (4-5 of them) slept in the other bed while I slept in mine alone.

At the building, I met a girl I used to be friends with when I was maybe seven years old. We caught up with each other and talked about how our lives had been. She seemed to be scared of me. Meeting her somehow spurred me on to steal some of the floating powder (I still have no idea how or why). One night, I climbed the side of the building (even though I had access to the inside of it) up to the fourth floor and began shoveling floating powder into my pockets. An alarm started going off so I ran away and went into a bookstore a few blocks away where I pretended everything was normal. They sold buckets there so I bought a bucket and put the powder in it.

The book store had used to be several apartments before it had been renovated and turned into a store. Because of this, it had all these tiny little rooms and nooks and crannies to explore. One of the rooms on the top floor was straight up just a laundry room, which was a really small room that only fit a washing machine in it. It had a lock on the door so I hid in there and locked it. I decided to check my phone and saw I had an invoice from the bookstore for 227 EUR worth of 'cleaning powder', which scared the hell out of me. I understood, somehow, that this was them trying to save me from getting arrested by pretending that the floating powder was cleaning supplies I bought from them. I refused to pay out of principle, though, because I felt like I hadn't done anything wrong.

I somehow managed to get home without paying for anything or getting in trouble. The powder was still in the bucket (I had no desire to use it or sell it). Meanwhile, the theft of the powder was starting to become a rallying cry for local youths dissatisfied with the current government. People made jokes about it on protest signs, wore shirts about it and drew fanart of it. My defense was that I couldn't have been the thief because I had been sick that evening and had been asleep that day. I somehow had an alibi from two random people who had seen me asleep in my own house even though I hadn't been there.


I went to an Omega Mart knockoff that was beneath a train station. It hadn't been advertised, so people only knew about it through word of mouth. It didn't have any signs pointing towards it either except one that said 'PERVERTS' with an arrow pointing towards a road. I was there with my mom, and she didn't really want to be there. There was a band that played a song and did a sketch once in a while. I don't really remember what kind of stuff they had except that they sold older barbies (that were way too expensive) and some kind of caramel stick-shaped candy.


Dreamed of an instagram account named visuallydistinctsisters. It was a webcomic about two sisters who were born without any limbs. The webcomic was drawn by a trans man who celebrated his ‘starday’ instead of his birthday, which was the day he started his testosterone. He had recently celebrated his fourth starday.

There was some controversy with the webcomic, namely that people had assumed that the author had based the comic on his real life sisters when in reality he didn’t have any siblings. He had to correct people about it almost every day. And then, when he corrected them, people would call him ableist for using characters without any limbs for profit. He also got asked almost every day how he could draw the comic despite not having any limbs (a lot of people assumed the comic was autobiographical), and he’d have to reply with a video of him waving his fully intact arms and legs around. People were also angry that the two characters were white, while the author was black (I don't remember why this made people angry). In the dream, I only read one of the comics, and it was about the sisters going to see a shakespeare play and falling off a ledge, with some other people getting mad at them for falling on top of them.


I was watching an arthouse film at a small cinema. I don't really remember the story, but it was about an elderly woman who was angry at the world slowly regaining faith in humanity after befriending another elderly woman, who was significantly disabled. I don't specifically know what disability she had, only that she was born with her body kind of folded together. She was very short because of this (her head was almost at the same height as her feet) but she could walk with a specially built walker. I think the two women might have been in prison together. The disabled woman was black, and I believe her father or grandfather had been forcibly kidnapped and enslaved. The opening shot of the movie was a picture of that man, surrounded by other men from his family, before he had been kidnapped.

at around 90 minutes into the movie, a group of people came in to see it. Instead of just letting them watch from the point the movie was at, whoever was running the cinema restarted the whole film. I complained a bit, but the people around me told me not to be a dick about it, and that those other people also deserved to see the whole movie. I reluctantly started watching again, but ten minutes later another group came in and the movie was restarted again. I started laughing out of annoyance, and people started yelling at me and calling me names. One of them was very clearly the IT guy from my real-life job.


I don't remember a concrete 'storyline' from this one. There was a war going on, I think. My mom and I were going to escape the country with a group of people who were under her command. She taught me that you could make a gun using a bag, a chain and a hose. We were talking to someone through the computer, and if the man said something unreasonable, I was supposed to shoot the computer screen with the hose-gun, which you shot by putting a bullet in the hose and squeezing the bag. The man said something unreasonable, so I shot the screen and broke it. My mom was proud of me. We then had to rush to pack some stuff and get out of the house.
